Last Friday 15 Oct '10 right after finishing our last paper of E1,we went out to make surprise for Cucu's Birthday.we include Cicit, Cucu, Nenek, Peanut, Syud, Ira, Umi, Cepah, Ririn, Ibu, and Moyang with her Adeq.
Went went to KTV karaoke to sing while Moyang bought the White Chocolate Cake from Secret Recipe. not longer after that,Moyang came with the birthday cake and everybody were singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cucu. The situation at that time was happening..

After karaoke,we went to Time Square..some of us make a fish spa. all of them were scaring while doing the fish spa just like bite by pirana...wahahahha!the rest were bought the 3D movie ticket of The Child's Eye. the movie started at 9.30pm. and because of our college gate close at 11pm o'clock and we can't reach there before 11pm,so we made a new plan for overnight.everybody follow the new plan expecially Nenek..waaaa,Nenek ovnyte dow~hahah
ok,lets talk during watching the movie...for me,this is the best part of our outing...i want to laugh first....wahahaahah! because of our movie is the horror movie also 3D,its look real...for Nenek who is the first time watching 3D movie,she keeps scream loud till the other people behind her feel uncomfortable...for Peanut,Syud,Ira and me...we just scream like hell yeah...hahahah...
after the movie is finished,we walked and walked around the BB street...usha2 peoples out there and lepaking at mamak store for about three the second time in mamak store infront of BB Plaza,guess what, a bottle of mineral cost rm4 and the old chinese woman said "di sbbkn u olg aaa wa kasi rm3 saja".what the F! we lepak there untill the store is close.then we move to dataran merdeka.thanks to Zack of Cepah's friend for send us to dataran dataran merdeka, everybody stared at us,i dont know why maybe its bcos of only us a group of minah tudung overnight at dataran merdeka...wakakak..we dun care ok,janji rock! Peanut and Syud can't handle their sleepness and mumbling for non stop..
the last part is we went back to our college at 6 o' that time,we were caught by mak guard arbok but only Cepah answer all the mak guard questions...the rest were hiding dunno where...malas nk menghadapi mak guard..huhuhu...that is our night journey before starting the sem holiday...waaaaa~